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93 Caledonia Road

93 Caledonia Rd is a 3.36-acre property just north of the Swannanoa River. The land was gifted to RiverLink in 2012 for conservation and possibly developing a greenway or walking trail through the property. 


Its forested area has a mix of hardwood trees, shrubs, native and non-native plants and generally appears healthy and intact. Native fauna observed by RiverLink and neighbors include large mammals like black bears, small mammals, including groundhogs, rabbits, and year-round migratory birds. Proximity to the Swannanoa River provides important nesting and resting habitat for river birds.


However, the open-space area contains mostly non-native, opportunistic plants, including Kudzu, Tree of Heaven, Multiflora Rose, English Ivy, Porcelain Berry, and more—that have taken over and disrupted the ecosystem, displacing fauna and killing flora.


The Kenilworth Residents Association created this group (KCC) to help steward the effort to remove the invasives and plant native trees. We are partnering with Riverlink to raise funds, host workdays, and coordinate professional targeted treatments. 


We anticipate the major eradication effort to go well into 2026. It's essential to keep on top of it or the kudzu will come right back.


To sign up for workdays or volunteer, please email us at



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