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KRA Operating Policies
Operating Policies
As per the Kenilworth Residents’ Association (KRA) Bylaws, Article IX, Section E, these Operating Policies are to be reviewed annually by a three-person committee appointed by the President. Any changes are to be approved by the Executive Board.
1. Annual Membership Dues –Membership Dues will be determined by the Full Board (or Executive Board if there are no changes) prior to Sept. 1 of each year.
2. Formal review of KRA Organizational Documents – All KRA organizational documents, including but not limited to: Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Operating Policies, Decision Guidelines – Development, shall be reviewed from time to time as deemed necessary, but at a minimum of every three years. The President shall appoint a review committee consisting of a minimum of four Full Board members to consider the documents and bring suggested revisions to the Board for consideration.
3. Date and Time of Meetings—The date and time of the regular Executive Board Meetings shall be based on convenience of the participants and determined at the first regular meeting after the election of officers in January of each year.
4. Disclaimer for Public Documents—“The contents of this document are informational only and do not represent the views or recommendations of the Kenilworth Residents’ Association.”
5. Expenditure Guidelines—Expenditures over $500 must be approved by the Full Board.
6. Quorum Issues—For the purposes of determining quorum, when two-thirds of the Board equates to a fraction, the result will be rounded to the nearest whole number. (ie., 2/3 of 11 Board Members = 7.3, the quorum would be established at 7.)
7. Signatories—No more than one person per household shall be a signatory on official documents such as PayPal, checks, etc.
8. Conflict of Interest Policy—Annually, At the April or First Full Board Meeting of the year, the Conflict of Interest Policy will be reviewed. Refer to attached Appendix A for details. After the review, those Directors/Section Representatives (that make up the Full Board of Directors) that indicate a possible conflict of interest will complete a KRA Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form. All will sign the Obligation Statement for Board of Directors (to be filed by Treasurer with IRS Tax Exempt --501c3-- documents).
9. Email Policy – refer to attached Appendix B for details.
10. Decision Consider – Development – refer to attached Appendix C for details.
11. Document Archival Policy – refer to attached Appendix D for details.

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